Vera Scholten
My message to colleagues around the world: In a short period, we have been able to adapt our work to the current circumstances. Not everything is perfect and optimal, but we all do our best, and we can be proud of that.Country: the Netherlands
Job title: Nurse, Youth Health Care
Sector: Health
Works with children: 0-4 years of age
Years of experience in her role: 3.5 years
If you could send one positive message to your colleagues around the globe at these challenging times, what would it be?
In a short period, we have been able to adapt our work to the current circumstances. Not everything is perfect and optimal, but we all do our best, and we can be proud of that.
If you could send one positive message to children and families/caregivers around the globe at these challenging times, what would it be?
We are currently living in a very strange time. There is a lot of uncertainty, and we don't know how long this will take. However, we must also continue in the 'new normal.' Try to enjoy the extra time you have with your family!
What are you learning during these times as an individual and a professional?
I have learned that a lot is possible from a distance, but real contact with children, families, colleagues, and network partners is incredibly important. It gives a lot more dimension to my work. In the future, I hope to find a good balance for both ways of working.
In addition, I have experienced first-hand how quickly we have adapted ourselves in a short period. Beautiful, new ideas and initiatives have sprung up everywhere to support children and families.
What would you like people to know and understand about your work during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Some of our services continue as usual — contact moments for young children (until 14 months) and vaccinations. We do other parts of our work digitally as much as possible. Finally, we try to meet the parents' needs as much as possible, and together we look at the possibilities to address their questions.
What concerns you the most now, and what concerns you most for the upcoming period?
I work in a neighborhood with a low socioeconomic status. Most families are living in strained circumstances with fewer resources. I'm concerned about the consequences for the wellbeing of parents and their children.