Nova Scotia study highlights working conditions

A new study from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) identifies some of the most urgent problems faced by the early childhood care sector. Included among the most pressing were: working conditions, a lack of support for special needs children, appropriate staffing support, staff morale, and wages and benefits. Only 28 percent of survey early childhood educators felt their benefits were adequate and only 22 percent felt their pay to be fair when taking into account their background and skills. Sixty-seven percent felt their salary did not adequately reflect the work they do. The numbers stack up to show the general dissatisfaction about the remuneration received by the workforce. Employers also shared concerns, with the majority sighting recruitment and retention as an issue.The authors urge the government to make improvements and share clear recommendations. You can find the study here.To hear more on working conditions, listen in on our most recent webinar spotlighting the working conditions faced across early childhood workforce professions.Did you find this interesting? Sign-up for our newsletter to receive updates about new resources and join the conversation about the early childhood workforce on Twitter.