Building a Skilled Teacher Workforce: Shared and Divergent Challenges in Early Care and Education and in Grades K-12


Understanding the personnel-related opportunities and challenges the early childhood education (ECE) sector faces, as well as how these differ from those encountered in grades K-12, in order to adopt an early learning strategy for the U.S that is capable of improving educational outcomes for young children is of central importance. To that end, this paper begins with the public perception of early childhood teaching, followed by a brief discussion of the history and purpose of education for children of different ages. Next, the paper describes key features of the personnel systems that have emerged from these varied roots, comparing them along several dimensions, and conclude with suggestions for promoting a skilled and stable early care and education workforce for the 21st century.


Marcy Whitebook, Caitlein McLean


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Year of Publication:


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