Monitoring & mentoring

Combining Training with Job Security to Improve the Quality of the Childcare Workforce


There is mounting evidence on the positive link between high quality early childhood development (ECD) personnel and the physical, social, and cognitive development of young children.

To bring light to these challenges, and potential responses to them, the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative (ECWI) has developed 6 country briefs which highlight efforts to support the workforce across different geographies and services.

These country briefs were informed by desk reviews and information collected through key informant interviews (KII) with country experts from implementing NGOs, multilaterals, and research institutions, as well as program managers and government officials across 15 countries. After identifying six promising country approaches to highlight, we conducted further desk research and interviews to inform the country briefs. These interviews were particularly helpful for clarifying the key enablers and barriers to implementation in each country as well as the policy lessons for other countries.

The fifth of these briefs focuses on Philippines. Combining Training with Job Security to Improve the Quality of the Childcare Workforce analyzes nationally supported training efforts to improve the knowledge and skills of personnel, as well as local efforts to address working conditions and job security.


Vidya Putcha, Results for Development

Year of Publication:


Resource file:

Bridging Access with Quality: Empowering Kindergarten Teachers with Practical Training to Support Child-Centered Learning


There is mounting evidence on the positive link between high quality early childhood development (ECD) personnel and the physical, social, and cognitive development of young children.

To bring light to these challenges, and potential responses to them, the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative (ECWI) has developed 6 country briefs which highlight efforts to support the workforce across different geographies and services.

These country briefs were informed by desk reviews and information collected through key informant interviews (KII) with country experts from implementing NGOs, multilaterals, and research institutions, as well as program managers and government officials across 15 countries. After identifying six promising country approaches to highlight, we conducted further desk research and interviews to inform the country briefs. These interviews were particularly helpful for clarifying the key enablers and barriers to implementation in each country as well as the policy lessons for other countries.

The third of these briefs focuses on Ghana. Bridging Access with Quality: Empowering Kindergarten Teachers with PracticalTraining to Support Child-Centered Learning explores the Fast Track Transformational Teaching (FTTT) Program’s approach to enhancing pre-and in-service training that improves kindergarten teachers’ practical skills and ability to implement the national play-based kindergarten curriculum.


Maggie Gratz and Vidya Putcha, Results for Development

Year of Publication:


Resource file:

Training Early Childhood Intervention Workers to Close a Workforce Gap


There is mounting evidence on the positive link between high quality early childhood development (ECD) personnel and the physical, social, and cognitive development of young children. Despite this growing body of knowledge, the early childhood workforce continues to face challenges such as inadequate training, low remuneration, and a lack of professional recognition. Moreover, a lack of documentation on promising approaches to address these workforce challenges limits opportunities to learn from the implementation experiences of different countries around the world.

To bring light to these challenges, and potential responses to them, the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative (ECWI) has developed 6 country briefs which highlight efforts to support the workforce across different geographies and services.

These country briefs were informed by desk reviews and information collected through key informant interviews (KII) with country experts from implementing NGOs, multilaterals, and research institutions, as well as program managers and government officials across 15 countries. After identifying six promising country approaches to highlight, we conducted further desk research and interviews to inform the country briefs. These interviews were particularly helpful for clarifying the key enablers and barriers to implementation in each country as well as the policy lessons for other countries.

The second of these six briefs comes from Georgia. Training Early Childhood Intervention Workers to Close a Workforce Gap examines the development and implementation of a pre-and in-service training program for the early childhood intervention (ECI) workforce and the creation of accreditation mechanisms for building the capacity of ECI services.


Mihaela Ionescu and Sandipan Paul, International Step by Step Association

Year of Publication:


Resource file:

Professionalizing the Workforce Supporting Infants and Toddlers from Birth to Three


There is mounting evidence on the positive link between high quality early childhood development (ECD) personnel and the physical, social, and cognitive development of young children. Despite this growing body of knowledge, the early childhood workforce continues to face challenges such as inadequate training, low remuneration, and a lack of professional recognition. Moreover, a lack of documentation on promising approaches to address these workforce challenges limits opportunities to learn from the implementation experiences of different countries around the world.

To bring light to these challenges, and potential responses to them, the Early Childhood Workforce Initiative (ECWI) has developed 6 country briefs which highlight efforts to support the workforce across different geographies and services.

These country briefs were informed by desk reviews and information collected through key informant interviews (KII) with country experts from implementing NGOs, multilaterals, and research institutions, as well as program managers and government officials across 15 countries. After identifying six promising country approaches to highlight, we conducted further desk research and interviews to inform the country briefs. These interviews were particularly helpful for clarifying the key enablers and barriers to implementation in each country as well as the policy lessons for other countries.

The first of these briefs focuses on Ecuador. Professionalizing the Workforce Supporting Infants and Toddlers from Birth to Three highlights the government of Ecuador’s approach to professionalizing childcare center and home visiting workers with pre- and in-service training that emphasizes theoretical knowledge and practical skills.


Denise Bonsu, Results for Development

Year of Publication:


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Key Data on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe. Eurydice Report– 2019 Edition


Early childhood education and care (ECEC) – the phase before primary education – is increasingly acknowledged as providing the foundations for lifelong learning and development. This second edition of Key Data on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe charts the progress made in the key quality areas identified in the Council Recommendation on High Quality ECEC Systems.

The report provides indicators on the key quality areas of governance, access, staff, educational guidelines as well as evaluation and monitoring. Cross-cutting these key areas, it presents a child-centred approach, with special attention being paid to the inter-relatedness of policies in different areas. The importance of inclusiveness in education is also stressed as high quality ECEC is considered to be one of the best ways to increase equity and equality in society.

Part one provides policymakers, researchers and parents with comparative information on the current ECEC policies across Europe. Part two gives an overview of the key features of national ECEC systems accompanied by a diagram of their structure.
The scope of the report is wide, covering centre-based and regulated home-based provision in both the public and private sectors in the 38 European countries (43 education systems) participating in the EU's Erasmus+ programme. It includes the 28 Member States of the European Union as well as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey.


European Commission

Year of Publication:


Supporting Teachers as Learners: A Guide for Mentors and Coaches in Early Care and Education


This book describes the ways in which the mentoring terrain in early care and education has changed over the last two decades, and the multiple contexts in which mentoring now occurs. It offers mentors, coaches, and/or technical assistance providers an effective, activity-based way to reflect on, practice, and sharpen skills for working with early childhood practitioners, and it can be adapted to a wide variety of early care and education settings.


Center for the Study of Child Care Employment Institute for Research on Labor and Employment University of California, Berkeley

Year of Publication:


Resource web file:

Early Childhood Workforce Systems Initiative: State Policy Blueprint Planning Guide


Public policy work is often incremental. Sometimes successes are realized by steady movement along the same path. Sometimes great strides are made by starting over and doing something bold. There is not one single right way to approach policy work. But before any plans are made and actions are taken, it is crucial that all stakeholders are aware of the current policies and contexts. Workforce Designs: A Policy Blueprint for State Early Childhood Professional Development Systems (the Blueprint) provides a common framework that can help advocates and policy-makers take stock of existing workforce policies.
The planning guide provides five steps and guiding questions to help conduct an environmental scan of state early childhood workforce system policies and to begin planning action steps:
Step 1. Gather and Describe: What are your current state workforce system policies?
Step 2. Analyze: Do the policies apply or meet the policy-making principles?
Step 3. Determine: What are your goals?
Step 4. Discuss and Consider: What are your opportunities?
Step 5. Plan: What are your priorities?


NAEYC - National Association for the Education of Young Children

Year of Publication:


Resource web file:

Finding Community: An Exploration Into an Induction Support Pilot Project


This induction support pilot project involved 22 early childhood educators in the interior of British Columbia who had a range of experience, from just beginning to 29 years in the field. Participants in the project were offered opportunities for peer mentoring, professional development, access to university faculty, visits to early learning programs, and online support. The results from the study include greater awareness on the part of participants of the value of peer mentoring and connection to community, increased knowledge, and increased sense of efficacy. At the end of the project, participants reflected on their experiences in semistructured interviews and focus groups. They also shared ways the pilot project could be improved, and the project is being revised based on their feedback.


Laura K. Doan


Journal of Early Childhood Studies

Year of Publication:


International Labor Organization |The Promotion of Decent Work for ECE Personnel


These Guidelines are the first international text dealing specifically with the status of early childhood education personnel. The Guidelines set out principles for the promotion of decent work for ECE personnel as a means of ensuring universal access to high-quality ECE services. In this respect they
cover conditions of work and employment of ECE personnel and related issues. More precisely, the issues covered are:

  1. General roles, rights and responsibilities
  2. ECE objectives and policies
  3. Preparation for the profession
  4. Recruitment, deployment and retention
  5. Professional and career development
  6. Employment terms and conditions
  7. Learning and teaching conditions
  8. Social security and social protection
  9. Evaluating ECE personnel to support quality practice
  10. ECE governance and social dialogue

The Guidelines are meant to serve as a reference tool on principles that should be reflected in the design and implementation of ECE measures such as policies, strategies, legislation, administrative measures and social dialogue mechanisms, including collective bargaining agreements. The Guidelines can be implemented progressively to achieve their objectives so as to take account of different national settings, cultures, and social, economic and political contexts.


International Labor Organization

Year of Publication:


Resource file:
Resource web file:

ISSA’s Quality Framework for Early Childhood Practice in Services for Children under Three Years of Age


ISSA’s Quality Framework for Early Childhood Practice in Services for Children under Three Years of Age is grounded in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and stands for the centrality of the child and family in conceptualizing, designing and implementing programs dedicated to this age group, no matter the type of service, program, or sector.

It comprises 31 principles and 143 recommended practices, grouped around 9 Focus Areas, thus covering the complexity of the practices and responsibilities that binds all professionals working in early childhood services.

Through this framework, ISSA launches an invitation for dialogue and joint action among practitioners, managers, policy- and decision-makers, program coordinators, trainers/mentors from all sectors and institutions active in early childhood systems, so they may develop an articulated vision and a shared understanding around quality practices impacting the lives of the youngest children.